Yale Drama Coalition Resources
Welcome to the Yale Drama Coalition!
Our goal is to offer guidance and resources for undergraduate theatrical productions and performance groups.
In the menu to the right, you’ll find a guide to creating and editing production and audition pages, general YDC information and policies, a list of undergraduate performance groups, and information on how to get involved and utilize some of the wonderful resources that Yale has to offer.
Sign up for our mailing list here!
The YDC How-to-Theater at Yale Wiki
Looking for guidance getting involved with theater?
Click here to access the YDC’s How-to-Theater at Yale Wiki!
Written by student theatermakers, the Wiki has advice for doing any and all kinds of roles in theater, with in-depth explanations of how to become an actor, director, playwright, designer, producer, etc! There is also a grand overview of theater groups on campus, a theater terms dictionary, and more!