
Below is a list of on-campus locations where undergraduate art makers can access equipment. Some equipment loans may be limited to specific projects or for specific time periods. For more information, contact each office directly.

Bass Media

Bass Media Equipment Center is located at the Bass Library circulation desk. This catalog offers equipment for media production including microphones, video cameras, computers, and other accessories.

Center for Collaborative Arts and Media

The CCAM Lending Lab is located inside the Center for Collaborative Arts and Media (CCAM) at 149 York Street. It offers advanced media production equipment, including video cameras, lighting, and sound kits, to check out at no cost. It is open to Yale students who are: 1. currently enrolled in production-based Film and Media Studies or Art (filmmaking concentration) courses, 2. currently enrolled in courses that are part of the CCAM Curriculum in Residence, 3. working on a CPA (Creative and Performing Arts) Award project, or 4. participating in the CCAM Studio Fellowship. For more details, please visit:

Undergraduate Production

Undergraduate Production (UP) equipment is available to any performance group being advised or supported by the UP team. This equipment catalog is specifically for performance and live event production and may require special training or supervision.

Outside Vendors

The following vendor list is managed by Undergraduate Production as a collection of local and/or specialized vendors of theatrical production materials. This vendor list is an excellent starting point for items that cannot be borrowed or obtained on campus.
