Resources to Support Art Activity


  • Students on financial aid whose aid is greater than their tuition and fees may have funds available at the beginning of the year with which to purchase materials and supplies. Students should log into YalePay to determine if this is the case. A negative Account Balance and zero balance due indicates available funds. To access these funds students should follow the instructions at For questions, please contact Undergraduate Financial Aid.
  • Students engaged in art making for their senior thesis should ask their DUS and Chair about resources available through the department or program.

Art Course Materials

  • For some courses, there are materials costs, which the university considers comparable to textbook costs. The budget for textbooks and academic supplies is $500 per semester.
  • Students whose total books and supplies costs for the semester exceed $500, and who are on financial aid, may qualify for support.
    • Students who have a parent share of under $10,000 should apply for support through Safety Net. The application must include screenshots of receipts or requirements for supplies in all courses.
      • Example:
        • Total books and supplies costs for semester: $600
        • Academic Supplies Budget: $500
        • Maximum Safety Net Funding Eligibility: $100
  • Students who are interested in exhibiting their course work at the end of the semester in a college gallery may apply for Creative and Performing Arts Awards (CPA) to cover materials costs associated with an art course, up to $500. CPA awards are only available to support work to be exhibited.
    • Eligibility for CPA grants depends on the student consulting with their Head of College in advance of submitting the request and submitting a clear scope of work statement along with a detailed budget. Applicants should review CPA guidelines here:
    • CPA grants are awarded at the discretion of the residential colleges and are not awarded to every applicant.
  • Note: CPA awards are considered in calculating Safety Net eligibility. Only the highest need students with the costliest supply requirements will be eligible for both.
  • These are excellent local resources for affordable art supplies:

Cameras for Photography Courses

  • Students may consider borrowing a family member’s or friend’s camera for the semester.
  • Students sometimes have luck finding used cameras to purchase 2nd hand for a fraction of the cost of a new camera.
  • The Art major maintains digital and analog camera packages to be checked out on semester-long loan for Intro-level photo students on financial aid enrolled in photography courses who are not able to secure a camera through other channels. Intermediate and advanced level students may check camera packages out on a revolving basis for one week at a time. Students should contact their instructor to request a camera loan. Visit the Equipment Loan Office catalog at
  • Creative and Performing Arts Awards and Safety Net funds are NOT available to support camera purchases.

Digital File Storage

Incoming students will receive a 5 GB quota for their Eliapps account. Students who started in Fall of ’23 and earlier will have a 20 GB quota. 

Students have access to Microsoft tools like OneDrive, Teams, and SharePoint. However, they do not have access to Office 365 email and are required to use EliApps Mail for communication.

Regarding storage, each student has a 2TB (2000 GB) quota in OneDrive. Given the new Google Drive quotas, students might find OneDrive a viable alternative for their storage needs.

September 30, 2024 — EliApps account quotas begin:

  • Incoming students will receive a 5 GB quota for their Eliapps account. 
  • Students who started in Fall of ’23 and earlier will have a 20 GB quota.
  • EliApps accounts that remain above these quotas will be unable to add new files until space is made available or additional storage is purchased. EliApps Quota Exception Form
  • EliApps Mail will still be accessible.

November 1, 2024 — EliApps accounts over quota will lose ALL access to Google Drive and Photos and will need to contact ITS to retrieve files. EliApps Mail will still be accessible.

Students have access to Microsoft tools like OneDrive, Teams, and SharePoint. However, they do not have access to Office 365 email and are required to use EliApps Mail for communication.

Regarding storage, each student has a 2TB (2000 GB) quota in OneDrive. Given the new Google Drive quotas, students might find OneDrive a viable alternative for their storage needs.

Students can use Globus to migrate Box and Google data to any of the Microsoft 365 services and Dropbox. Details on this process.

If students call the helpdesk at 203-432-9000 and explain their issue (for example, if they have a high volume of data to move), ITS will grant a 2-week extension.

Student can refer to this link for support.

  • A limited number of external hard drives are available to check out for authorized users of the CCAM Equipment Checkout resource:

Other Resources

  • Undergraduate art makers can access other equipment resources on the Yale College Arts Equipment page. Please note that some equipment loans may be limited to specific projects or for specific time periods. For more information, contact each office directly.
  • Documentary filmmakers seeking transcription services can use their account and receive preferred pricing of $1.38 per minute on Verbit.