

Welcome to Control Group, Yale’s only experimental theater ensemble. What does that mean? It means anything you want it to mean. Are you a performer, writer, painter, musician, architect, dancer, sculptor, or designer? Great: there’s a creative home for you in Control Group. Are you none of those things, but eager to create art & performance in a hyper-collaborative setting, supported by peers in a group where the interdisciplinary creative possibilities are limitless? Great: there’s a place for you too! 

Audition For Sweat

To audition for this show, memorization is not at all required. Acting experience is also not required. The only requirements are that you bring an open mind and your energy to the space. Cynthia and Brucie will share a kiss, and all the characters will be involved in a large fight. For the character of Jason, there will be an extended audition process. Some characters have multiple monologues in their sides while others only have one. If you are auditioning for a character that has multiple, you will be asked to perform whichever one you’re more comfortable with.

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