
Audition For Opera Theatre of Yale College

Please come prepared with a memorized song and sheet music for a pianist. Song selections can be classical (art song, aria, etc.) or the style of singing you do best. You will be asked to read a side from one of our selections (you don’t need to prepare anything for this part of the audition). Auditions will take place in the Underbrook, located in the basement of Saybrook. A board member will wait for you outside of Saybrook entryway H. 

Audition For any role

Please look over the sides, but you will not need to have prepared. Feel free to use any side; we will be considering which parts you could be a fit for. Expect to do some simple choreography in your audition.

**Pay special attention to the date and time of your audition. 6 pm auditions times are available; keep scrolling.**

Audition For Proof

Please come prepared with one of the attached sides. No memorization required, and given that these are largely two-person scenes, a member of our team will read with you (unless you and a friend choose to audition as pair! Just let us know!) Auditions will be held in 220 York Street, in Room 004. If you get lost, call 708-860-4629, and someone from our team will help you find your way.

Callbacks will take place on September 3-4. 

(Apologies that some audition times are listed out of order! Thus, please take a special look at the date and time you have signed up for.)

Audition For Agnes of God

Please come prepared with Side #1 for the character for which you would like to audition. You should also be familiar with Side #2 as you may be asked to read it if time permits. The audition slot will consist of a brief introduction, reading of Side #1, and either reworking this side after a quick note, or reading Side #2. All audition slots are seven minutes long.

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