Thank you so much for your interest in Head of Tasks. We cannot wait to see you audition. Detailed information about what to put in your video audition can be found in our audition packet, and a condensed summary is available in our cover page.
Submit your video audition through this audition form.
Direct any inquiries or concerns to the emails listed below:
- The Head of Tasks: Joseph Aguilar (
- The Dean of Tasks: Ashley Sottosanti (
- The Producer: Joana De La Torre (
We will notify you of callbacks on Thursday, February 15th. If notified, we will bring you in for a callback on Friday, February 16th. You will be notified of your status as a contestant on the February casting day, Sunday, February 18th.
You have until 11:59 PM EST on Wednesday, Febuary 14th to submit your video audition. Your time starts now.