Songs for a New World
Jason Robert Brown
Audition For From Sodom to Stonewall: The Queer Theatre Onstage
Thanks so much for your interest in Sodom to Stonewall: The Queer Theatre Onstage!
Choose any scene from the attached script that you would be excited to come read with us. We’ll read the scene with you once, give a few notes, and try it again.
Fridays at Five: Master Class with Victoria Clark
Isaac in Motion
Ali Benjamin & Sam Tucker-Smith
PEACHY, a sorta chekhovian traumedy
Jasmine Sharma
Audition For PEACHY
The roles of TARAK and FAAZ remain open. Contact any of the PEACHY team members below for more information and to audition.
- Prof. Shilarna Stokes (Director and Executive Producer)
Dinner These Days
Arielle Alouidor
A Raisin in the Sun
Lorraine Hansberry
A Raisin in the Sun
Lorraine Hansberry