
Audition For The Winter's Tale

Welcome! Please prepare to read as one or multiple of the characters from the sides attached. Memorization is not required. We may ask you to read from one of the other sides during the audition, but you need only prepare one. Please try to arrive at least 5 minutes before your scheduled audition time.

Reach out to us if you would like to audition but are unavailable during any of the scheduled times. Also reach out with any questions or concerns about auditioning–we would be happy to talk to you about the language and the play.

Audition For Cabaret

Willkommen! Bienvenue! Welcome! 
Cabaret auditions will look a bit different than previous Dramat Mainstage auditions, so please read carefully! Due to COVID restrictions, we are unable to hold indoor, unmasked auditions. We want to see your face while you act, so we’ll be requesting that you submit your side via self-tape. All instructions are available in the audition packet, attached below. 

Audition For No Exit

Thank you for your interest in auditioning for No Exit! We will hold auditions from September 7th – September 10th both in-person (outdoor area underneath the Beinecke) or via Zoom. Regardless of which format you choose, please sign up for one of the audition slots below. The audition process will be exactly the same both in-person and via Zoom. See the audition packet below for more information.

Audition For Drinking Games

All audition slots are 15 minutes in length and we ask that you show up 5-10 minutes prior to your designated slot. Auditions will take place at 411 Elm St. Please read through the attached Audition Information packet, then select and prepare one of the attached monologues/scenes for your audition. You DO NOT need to memorize, but your first read of it should not ideally be in the audition room. You may be asked to cold read (read for the first time) another audition side after you have presented your monologue.

Audition For Grimly Handsome

Please see the attached audition packet to learn more about this production’s auditions, timeline, and more. Included in the packet are the available audition sides – please select one side to share with us at your audition! There is no need to memorize!

Auditions will be held in-person in the courtyard at 220 York St. You can enter through the main entrance to 220 York and follow the signs to the basement. We’ll also be there to help you find your way!

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