YSFF 2019 Experimental & Narrative Shorts
YSFF 2019 Opening Screening: Beautiful Things
YSFF 2019 Yale Filmmakers Block
YSFF 2019 Filmmaking Masterclass with Giorgio Ferrero
Good Sam
TJ Noel-Sullivan
DISTANCE, a short film
Ryan Zhou
Audition For DISTANCE, a short film
DISTANCE is a short film written and to be directed by Ryan Zhou, TC ‘22. Justin is a freshman who is just starting to get used to being away from home and being in college, but he is starting to feel more and more tied down by his long distance relationship with his old high school girlfriend. His frustrations are addressed in an interaction with his roommate to address concepts surrounding modern relationships and masculinity for young adult men.
Camara Aaron
Audition For It's Me Again
Please come familiar with one of the scenes. We will also ask you to cold read other sides at the audition. No need to memorize!
If you would like to audition but are not available for any of the times listed, please email and we can figure out an alternative time.