Hi and welcome to Massacre!!! Thanks so much for wanting to audition for this show.
We are doing our second round of auditions now so sign up for one this Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday! We are also accepting online auditions, so you can film yourself reading one of the monologues (ignore the response dialogue in Panama’s speech) and send them to Max (max.cover@yale.edu) and Joaquin (joaquin.medrano@yale.edu) by Friday at 11:59 pm.
1. Make sure to sign up for your audition on the YCA page (you have to log in to see audition slots)
2. Fill out this audition form
3. Read the audition packet on the YCA page and prepare one of the monologues for the audition! No need to memorize but be familiar with it.
Please reach out and let us know if these times do not work we can work something out for you!
See you all in LC211!