Thank you for your interest in auditioning for Fun Home!! Please fill out this google form prior to your audition.
Audition dates:
Friday, September 29th from 6:00pm to 10:00pm
Saturday, September 30th from 10:00am to 2:00pm
Sunday, October 1st from 6:00pm to 10:00pm
Please sign up for a 20-minute slot below!
We are also accepting self-tapes until Monday, October 2nd. Please use this google form for self-tape submissions.
Audition materials:
Please prepare a 32-bar cut (around 90 seconds) of a song of your choice. It does not have to be a musical theater song, but we recommend a song that has a story and emotion behind it. We will have an accompanist, so please bring a copy of the sheet music for them to play (two copies if you want one to reference, memorization is not required).
Tell us a story about something that happened to you in the past year (or longer than a year, just something you remember vividly). It can be a major life event or the most random and trivial occurrence. Editorialize the event as much as you want, but try to tell it in an amusing or funny way. The actual event doesn’t need to be funny or even significant - just your retelling of it.
Audition locations:
Friday, September 29th - BRL 205
Saturday, September 30th - 220 York Ballroom
Sunday, October 1st - WLH 207
(audition packet contains directions and once you sign up for an audition, you will get a more detailed email closer to the date)
More information can be found in the audition packet (attached below and on the main show page).
Note: You must log into your Yale College Arts account in order to sign up for an audition slot.