Audition For Electra

Audition Instructions: 

To audition for the roles of Chrysothemis, Orestes, or Clytemnestra in ELECTRA, you can choose to read a scene or a monologue from the play. Audition sides attached below.

Audition link:…


This modern retelling of Sophocles’ Electra examines the relationships of the three surviving women of the ancient House of Atreus. Electra fixates on obtaining justice for her father’s shameful murder at the hand of her mother. Her inability to act becomes the nexus of the play. Electra lives in this cursed house alongside her mother, who believes herself justified in the killing of Agamemnon, and her sister Chrysothemis, who sees herself as altogether removed from this family’s doomed history. 

This project will be presented to a virtual audience in a workshop setting. We are not striving for a finished product, but simply an exploration the text through a month of rehearsal, playing, and textual analysis.

Just as the characters in Ellen McLaughlin’s Electra interrogate their relationships to history, we will interrogate the relationship of these characters to the history of Western theater using the craft of acting as a method of research.

Audition Materials: 
Audition Times: 
January 31, 2021 - 11:30am