A thesis-sourcing exhibition for American Studies
by Zoe Ervolino
You can now watch a video of the production at this link.
A multi-media installation in the Saybrook Underbrook, Triangulations represents a preliminary version of my senior thesis in American Studies and an honest attempt at autoethnography.
Triangulations explores the complex interlinkages between whiteness, blackness, and U.S. latinidad, concerned with the ways that these tensions of identity become embodied and contested through language and humor. It is my hope with this work to engender a new visual and linguistic dialectic that recognizes the sites of fragmentation produced in transnationally constrained identities, and, more specifically, that isolates the particular character (and dangers) of Latinx whiteness.
¡Hagamos la vaina del espanglish!
Performance Dates & Times
November 22, 2019 - 12:00pm
Saybrook Underbrook
Venue Accessibility:
Lobby is accessible via elevator near the Head of College's office inside entryway I. Balcony level seating is accessible via lobby entrance. Stage level seating requires the use of stairs.
Patron Information
One matinee performance 11/22 @ 12pm
Production Team
Stage Manager
Lighting Designer
J Duwan