Grace Needlman

Grace Needlman is a painter whose mastery of materials, techniques, and ideas demonstrates remarkable maturity and sophistication. Her recent works depict psychologically charged family scenes observed through the eyes of a strangely serene child orbited by a crowd of grotesque adults. Melding personal, iconic, and popular imagery, she has demonstrated a voracious and disciplined research practice and an impressive ability to absorb ideas and put them in the service of her vision. A member of Phi Beta Kappa, Ms. Needlman is a recipient of fellowships to study in Berlin, Delhi, and at the Yale Summer School of Art in Norfolk.  As a scholar and an artist, she pursues all she does with passion and dedication.

For achievement in art, Yale College is proud to award the Louis Sudler Prize for excellence in the arts to Grace Farver Needlman.

Grace Needlman