Using the ADAY Site
How to use the ADAY site
- If you haven’t logged in yet, you can log in through the link in the top right corner.
- Once you’re logged in, you can update/upload a photo and bio using the “Edit Biography” button.
- You should see a grey shortcut bar along the top of the page. If you don’t, click on the triangle in the upper right hand corner.
Creating a New Event Page
To list a new event, click “Create New Event” on the shortcut bar and follow these instructions. Be sure to fill in the information in the first three tabs on the left-hand side of the page before saving and submitting your event.
Saving and submitting your event will create an unpublished event page that will be reviewed by a site administrator before being published.
Once approved, your event will be published on the Yale College Arts Shows and Screenings Page, the Yale Arts Calendar and the Yale Calendar of Events
Once the event is published, you will be able to edit it under the “Edit” tab or grant permission for others to edit it under the “Grant” tab. For more information, see “Editing a Show Page” below.
Listing Auditions and Tech and Design Opportunities:
- Select “Yes, there are cast vacancies” under “Performers and Production Team” if you plan on holding auditions. You will be prompted to input your audition information and upload any documents you want your auditioners to prepare. This will create a site on the Auditions page where performers will be able to sign up for auditions.
- Select “Yes, there are tech and design vacancies” under “Performers and Production Team”if you want to post for Tech and Design Opportunities. Any named production role that doesn’t have a link to someone’s bio will be listed on the Tech and Design Opportunities site.
Creating a New Stand-Alone Audition Page
- If you’re interested in holding auditions not related to a specific performance (i.e. for a comedy or dance group), you can click on “Create New Audition” in the shortcut bar. You will be prompted to input information for your audition and upload any documents you want your auditioners to prepare. This will create a site where performers will be able to sign up for your auditions that is not linked to a specific event.
- Audition pages do not need to be reviewed by site administrators before being published.
What events can be listed on the Yale College Arts site?
- Any undergraduate live performance or film screening may be listed provided that:
- Admission is open to the public, including the entire Yale community.
- All CPA funded shows must use the Yale College Arts ticketing system.
- Shows that charge admission must include that information on their event page and may use the Yale College Arts ticketing system.