Rehearsal Spaces
The office of Undergraduate Production provides a comprehensive listing of rehearsal spaces available within many of the residential colleges, the Payne Whitney Gymnasium, Theater and Performance Studies, the Broadway Rehearsal Lofts, and selected classrooms. Some of these spaces are restricted by usage based on the impact rating of the floor. Be sure to survey the details shown on the rehearsal spaces page. Contact the appropriate office for more information or to reserve a space.
Alliance for Dance at Yale member groups are welcome to apply for weekly ADAY rehearsal time in fifth floor studios of the Payne Whitney Gym (D, E/F, & Main Exercise Room), the Samson Dance Studio, and the third floor studio of the Broadway Rehearsal Lofts. Requests must be made at the beginning of the semester to the ADAY Facilities Coordinators, and time will be given based on availability and perceived need (for example: Groups too large to rehearse in smaller residential college studios will be given preference in the time distribution).