Audition For Nate & Li

Audition Instructions: 
Nate and Li is a Yale senior thesis film shooting from April 22nd - April 24th, 2022. 
The film is about a Chinese-American high schooler who is pushed towards extreme acts at a party and must choose between his intuitions and loyalty to his friends.
We are looking to cast the following parts: 
Li (Chinese-American, male, late teens) - An insecure but loyal teenager who struggles between following others and making his own decisions. 
Nate (White, male, late teens) - A charismatic and manipulative teen who uses his interpersonal skills to influence Li, his best friend. 
Jason (Chinese-American, male, late teens) -  A mild mannered and humorous friend of Li’s. 
Daniel (Asian-American, male, late teens) - Jason’s friend. He’s principled in his views and isn’t afraid of backing down in social situations. 
Isabella (White, female, late teens) - A sweet natured girl who Jason has romantic interest in. 
Tyler (White, male, late teens) - An outgoing and aloof teen who hosts the main party of the film. 

To schedule an audition and view audition materials, please visit: 

For any questions email:
