YDC Season Preview (Fall 2023)

Fall 2023 Season Preview Poster

Season Preview is an event hosted by the Yale Drama Coalition (YDC) in which production teams gather to pitch their shows to the theater community! The YDC also takes time to explain how casting and auditioning work at Yale.

For September 2023, auditions and callbacks will last from August 28 to September 6. Casting Day will be September 10, 2023. If you have any questions, please email naomi.schwartzburt@yale.edu and jeffrey.steele@yale.edu

For all inquiries, please contact: 

Performance Dates & Times

August 27, 2023 - 4:00pm


Off Broadway Theater

Venue Accessibility: 
Building is accessible via a ramp at the main entrance. Seating and facilities are available on the main floor.