Using Motion Capture to Compose Music
by Maggie Schnyer
Drop by the CCAM on Thursday 3/28 any time from 5-10pm for an interactive, multimedia installation combining Motion Capture Technology with programming and music! This installation is the showcase of a two-semester senior thesis for the completion of the B.A. in Computing and the Arts with a concentration in Music for Maggie Schnyer.
Visitors signed up for a slot at the link below will have the opportunity to wear headphones and tracking sensors to experience a more individualized version of the piece. Slots for headphones use are up to 15 minutes, but visitors are encouraged to stay and participate without headphones for any amount of time. No musical or dance background required.
Performance Dates & Times
March 28, 2024 - 5:00pm
Center for Collaborative Arts and Media
Patron Information
Sign ups are for purposes of headphones use since there are only 4 available at a time, but visitors are encouraged to stay and participate without headphones for any amount of time.