Selkie Play

by Kara O’Rourke

selkie poster

An original play by Kara O’Rourke named after the Irish myth of the selkie, a creature who can shapeshift between seal and human form. In the stories, selkie women are often forced to wed human men who steal and hide away their sealskin, without which they cannot return to the sea. Through this mythology, the play explores themes of gender, sexuality, hetero/cisnormativity, and the desire to reclaim one’s own identity after it’s been stolen.

Tickets available here:

For all inquiries, please contact: 

Media and Downloads

Performance Dates & Times

December 10, 2022 - 2:00pm

December 10, 2022 - 8:00pm

December 11, 2022 - 7:00pm


Hopper Cabaret

Venue Accessibility: 
Building, main lobby, and facilities are accessible via an exterior-entry elevator just inside the Elm Street gate. Venue is accessible from the lobby via a wheelchair lift.

Patron Information

This performance is open to asymptomatic patrons with an up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination. Patrons should carry vaccination documentation and be prepared to show it if asked.

Tickets available here:


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