A Moving Story: Concert Dance Interpretations of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

by A Lecture/Demonstration by Amymarie K. Bartholomew

A Moving Story: Concert Dance Interpretations of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

“A Moving Story” examines the varied ways that concert dance has presented Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” over the years. The works discussed will range from the most commonly presented ballet production, choreographed by Sir Kenneth MacMillan in 1965, to contemporary productions such as Ballet Maribor’s 2008 version set to the music of Radiohead. The talk will be illustrated by video excerpts of professional productions and by members of the Yale Ballet Company performing sections of choreography and demonstrating stylistic differences.

For all inquiries, please contact: 

Performance Dates & Times

April 13, 2012 - 4:30pm

April 14, 2012 - 4:30pm


Davenport-Pierson Auditorium

Venue Accessibility: 
Lobby is accessible via building entrance by the north Elm Street gate. Upper seating level is accesible via lobby entrance. Lower seating and stage level is accesible via elevator in lobby.



Production Team