Mental Illness at Yale
by Christopher Landry
Our awareness of mental illness on Yale’s campus has grown enormously in recent months. An ever-increasing number of students have shared their experiences publicly, drawing attention to significant flaws in Yale’s policies, institutions and culture. Their voices and the work of other dedicated students have made the administration take notice.But the public statements so far represent a tiny fraction of those who have struggled with mental health issues. We think it is vital that as many stories as possible be heard…We want to hear your story.If it turns out well or badly, if it is about you or someone you know, if it involves seeking help or not, if it involves withdrawing from Yale or not, if things have improved or if they are still bad — we want to hear it.Many of the responses collected here will be read aloud at a public reading during Bulldog Days. Please submit your story on our website if you would like it to be shared at this event (— we will only read responses with permission of the author. You can have your story read anonymously, or, if you choose, have your name and/or class year read with your story. There is no limit on how long or short it can be, or on what you say.This issue is important not only for current students, but also for faculty, administrators, and the incoming class. Through our public reading, we hope to spread these stories to all affected.This issue will not go away quietly.Committees and listening sessions are a good start, but there is a long way to go. Until there is significant, meaningful change in policy, especially for withdrawal and readmission, we will not be silent.The event is free and open to all. You don’t need a reservation.Please visit our website: the facebook event:
Performance Dates & Times
April 23, 2014 - 3:45pm