KASY Cultural Show 2022 - 흥 [heung]

#dance, #music, #film, #K-Pop, #culture, #Korea, #KoreanAmericanStudents@Yale, #AsianAmericanCulturalCenter, #Bonchon, #undergrad

by Korean American Students @ Yale

KASY Cultural Show 2022 - 흥 [heung]

흥 [heung] (n.) : Joy and excitement that arise when human and worldly energy exist in harmony.
- NAVER Encyclopedia

Annual KASY Cultural Show, revived in all its in-person glory!
Join us for a celebration of Korean culture through dance, singing, instrumental performances and more!
Korean fried chicken from Bonchon will be served at the event.

*You must be fully vaccinated and masked to attend this event.
*You must RSVP to attend this event.
There will be a ticket and vaccine check at the entrance.

Tickets on YaleConnect: https://cglink.me/2dA/r1560148

For all inquiries, please contact: 

Performance Dates & Times

April 22, 2022 - 9:30pm


Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Room 114

Patron Information

This performance is open to asymptomatic patrons with an up-to-date vaccination status.

Front of House staff will be checking tickets, IDs, and proof of vaccination.

Yale-approved masks  are required for all audience members.