by music: Francesco Cavalli; libretto: Aurelio Aureli
Now in its eighth season, Yale Baroque Opera Project will present Cavalli’s ERISMENA in the University Theatre, May 1 and 2, 2015. Led by a professional creative team and featuring an all-student cast and orchestra, this production will be a beautiful staging of a little-known gem. Disguises, drag, duels, desire - ERISMENA (1655) is a romantic comedy with rewarding roles for all kinds of voices and performers. Using a translation from the period, we will be performing the opera in English. Singer-actors of all levels of experience are encouraged to audition. Music-learning and vocal-coaching will begin in the fall, and staging rehearsals will begin after spring break. This is for-credit; all cast members must enroll in the spring semester course MUSI 322 / THST 318 : Analyzing, Directing and Performing Early Opera. Music Director: Grant Herreid. Stage Director: Ethan HeardAUDITIONSSaturday, September 6, 12-3 pm Stoeckel 106Singers should prepare a short piece, classical, opera or musical theater, preferably in English and before 1800, that demonstrates your vocal range and musical expression. Accompanists will be provided. Please contact Grant Herreid [] for additional audition times.
Performance Dates & Times
April 25, 2015 - 3:00pm
April 26, 2015 - 3:00pm
University Theatre